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Horsey News 2024! Meet Decker!

Our new horse, BFW Black N Decker, 4 year old coal black Morgan gelding .We made our halter show debut at the Ride & Roll show at the Medina Fairgrounds. We placed well in all our classes. His first time in the ring and my second time showing a horse in halter!  Stacey Giere is training him for me to drive! It’s exciting to see him develop. Jeff and Chrome did well winning Reinmanship and Gentleman to Drive and 3rd in Turnout, also 1st in the Training CT, winning both dressage and cones!


National Drive 2024 is a wrap. What a nice time. Thank you to all the volunteers who made the event possible and so much fun. Hoosier Horse Park is a gem! Stormy and I and Jeff and Chrome had good drives, had fun with the cones and the obstacles and all the great trails that Lenny and his team mark out. Good to see friends from 17 states at this year’s event. 

Driving Adventures and Shows! 2023

We had a lovely time at the Metamora Combined Driving event last weekend. My husband, Jeff Skinner with his Welsh pony Horizon Hill’s Chromatic and me with my Morgan HPF Wyoming Firestorm. Photos by Natalie Ranchuk - thank you!

Only my second pleasure show and first time showing a horse in halter! Stormy is 20 years old and looks great! He got a 3rd/4 in Reg Morgan and 5th/9 in an open class Drove today and was 3rd/4 in all three Pleasure Driving classes, which was fine. All were very nice turnouts. Then we had a cones course competition. A timed event, Choose your route and Progressive (spacing gets tighter with each pair of cones). We got two seconds and third and Overall High Score Champion!

Meet Fig Newton, our beautiful black Morgan, Stormy, our beautiful bay Morgan
and introducing our Welsh
Pony Chrome! 

We've added some great new photos from the 2023 National Drive to our slide show. We have joined Western Reserve Carriage Association and have met some really wonderful people who have given us good advice and guidance in starting our horse-driving experience. And a winter at Black Prong was filled with lots of driving, learning and some fun competition.


Known as "Figgy", this beautiful, 14.2 hand Morgan gelding is so much fun! We are riding and driving him for pleasure, and plan to take part in events. He has a Kutzman Marathon cart.  Our plans are mainly pleasure driving with the possibility of entering Combined Driving competition, which consists of dressage, obstacle and marathon events.


Bay Morgan gelding HPF Wyoming Firestorm “Stormy”. He’s a sweetie. Getting along great with Fig Newton. They are already buddies. It is so good to have two. Figgy was lonesome for another horse. Both are driving well and responding to training. What a wonderful new hobby driving has turned out to be.

© 2024 by Hobby Horse Farm

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