BIS MBISS INT GCHG CH Nordic's Hobby Horse
Puttin on Airs - BCAT
Hobby Horse's first All-breed Best in Show winner "Puttin" has been shining in the ring! Sire: GCHS CH White Eagle's Celestial Navigator. Dam: GCHB CH Nordic's Hobby Horse Wild Ryde Owners: Brigid Brandt, Gail Mathews, Jeffrey Skinner and Shauna Brummet. Puttin received his International Championship along with a Best in Show Bred-by-Exhibitor in August of '21.
He is handled beautifully by Chris Jones and Brigd Brandt. As of June 30, 2024, Puttin was #3 Samoyed all breed
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Janesville-Beloit Kennel Club, Jefferson, WI • May the Fourth Be With You! 5-4-24 • Total Entry: 887 • BIS Judge Mrs. Barbara Burns. Handler Chris Jones. We will never forget the thrill of this very special win!
Puttin wins another Group 1. This win is at the CRKA show under judge Mrs. Deborah Y. Verdon, 9-02-24
International Championship along with a Best in Show Bred-by-Exhibitor in August of '21
Janesville-Beloit Kennel Club, Jefferson, WI • May the Fourth Be With You! 5-4-24 • Total Entry: 887 • BIS Judge Mrs. Barbara Burns. Handler Chris Jones. We will never forget the thrill of this very special win!